Airport Diagram


  • ATWATER/CASTLE (KMER) Chart Supplement U.S. Airport Diagram
  • Airport diagrams are specifically designed to assist in the movement of ground traffic at locations with complex runway/taxiway configurations and provide information for updating computer based navigation systems (INS) aboard aircraft
  • Runway dimensions, elevations, and gradient (if greater than 0.3° up or down)
  • Airport diagram scales are variable
  • Runway heading to the nearest tenth of a degree
  • Dimensions of runway overruns
  • Runway identification number
  • Location of arresting gear, barriers, and displaced thresholds
  • Position and identification of taxiways, ramps and parking areas
  • Type of runway surface
  • Closed runways/taxiways
  • Location/identification of buildings, control tower, airport beacon, and other structures
  • True/magnetic north orientation, date, and annual rate of change - true/magnetic north orientation may vary from diagram to diagram, i.e., north may not be at the top of the page
  • Location/elevation of obstructions
  • Geographical coordinate grid - Coordinate values are shown in 1 or 1/2 minute increments. They are further broken down into 5 second ticks, within each 1-minute increments
  • Runway weight-bearing capacity
  • Airport diagrams are not intended to be used for approach and landing or departure operations

Airport Surface Hot-spots:

  • An "Airport Surface Hot Spot" is a location on an aerodrome movement area with a history or potential risk of collision or runway incursion, and where heightened attention by pilots/drivers is necessary
  • A "hot spot" is a runway safety related problem area on an airport that presents increased risk during surface operations
  • Typically it is a complex or confusing taxiway/taxiway or taxiway/runway intersection
  • The area of increased risk has either a history of or potential for runway incursions or surface incidents, due to a variety of causes, such as but not limited to:
    • Airport layout
    • Traffic flow
    • Airport marking
    • Signage and lighting
    • Situational awareness
    • Training
  • Hot spots are depicted on airport diagrams as circles or ellipses and cylinders:
    • Circles or ellipses are for ground movement hot spots known to cause issues like hold short line infractions, approach hold issues, complex taxiways, movement/nonmovement boundary area issues, tower line-of-sight problems, and marking and signage issues
    • Wrong surface hot spots are depicted with cylinders and indicate locations where aircraft have inadvertently attempted to or depart or land on the wrong surface
  • Hot spots are tabulated with a brief description of each hot spot
  • Hot spots will remain charted on airport diagrams until such time the increased risk has been reduced or eliminated
  • The Chart Supplement U.S. has a breakdown list of all airport hot-spots and their reason of note
  • Additionally, the FAA provides unique videos for certain airfields which can be found at the FAA's "From the Flight Deck" series
  • ATWATER/CASTLE (KMER) Chart Supplement U.S. Airport Hot-spots
    ATWATER/CASTLE (KMER) Chart Supplement U.S. Airport Hot-spots

Airport Diagram Legend:

  • A legend can be found at the front of the Instrument Approach Procedures publications [Figure 3]
  • Instrument Approach Procedures Airport Diagram Legend
    Instrument Approach Procedures Airport Diagram Legend

Locating Airport Diagrams:

